Thursday, June 29, 2006

Punts are like buses...

... there's never any when you need one and then 53 turn up at once. A Cambridge phenomenon - a nautical taxi rank. These are at the main Scudamores boatyard of an early evening when most tourists have gone to their hotels leaving the punts ready for the morrow's trips. But as you can see here, there are plenty of takers for part II of the punting day - the romantic journey on the sleek, sun-kissed Cam through the watermeadows over to Grantchester followed by the moonlit return. It's a trip that's bound to kindle / re-kindle the flame of ardour. Mind you, memory fades over time. And it's been a long time...

So, I got my timings wrong and I'm not leaving til this evening... So, I say again - have a fun weekend!