Everyone's first question when they learn what I do is "What books do you recommend I read?" followed by "What are your favourite books?" Of course, the two answers are not the same. I always, slightly sheepishly, own up to being a trash lover. I mean, I always buy the prize winners and take them home full of good intentions. But, once home, they sit forlornly on the stairs one of the many tables around the place waiting to be loved. Because, due to my day job, when I get kick-back time, it's always for American crime thrillers that I reach. And of that genre, by far my favourite author is John Sandford. In 1994 I picked up this book in some shop somewhere:
And since that point I've read all 20-odd titles that he's written, mainly the Lucas Davenport (cool, Porsche-driving millionaire supercop) series of which this is the first. And my much-reread favourite). I cannot recommend the series highly enough. Grab one here and see what I mean. He writes with such consummate ease, with brilliant plots, taut tension, and full-dimension characterisation. Quality escapism.
Of course, if someone of note asks me who my favourite author is I always say "John Camp, the Pulitzer-winning writer". I don't immediately mention that Sandford is the worthy journo's pseudonym... :)