Monday, June 19, 2006

PuntificatingThis last week has brought the real summer weather and the desultory straggle of hardy cold-weather punters have suddenly been overwhelmed by hordes of amateurs who, having learned the art, will leave the city never to so much as see a punt again. It is great fun though and something everyone has to do once. Most of the fun is in the drinking and sinking that takes place but apparently there are also some historic buildings to see along the route... The punt-voyeur can achieve most enjoyment by just sitting on the bank and watching the inept create carnage on the Cam and the inevitable fallings in that occur with hilarious regularity - generally due to an absolute refusal to release the pole when it gets stuck in the mud whilst the punt continues its momentum... The young lady shown here was clearly an improver - becoming confident whilst still not entirely comfortable with the pole but she acquited herself more than adequately. Sadly.