Thursday, August 17, 2006

Diverse Unity

Bridge1, originally uploaded by Neorelix.

Still on Mill Road. Thought I'd show you the result of a community painting project I saw being tackled last week. This is the railway bridge which a long time has been the obvious and well-used target for graffiti - some good, mostly bad. The council has countered this in recent years by asking local groups (mainly school and community) to create designs to decorate and enhance it. Voting for the designs has been under way for a bit and this was a winner. As was this, the sentiment of which I like but the picture is even worse than the one I show here. Sadly, the day after this was completed it was covered with anti-Israeli scrawls. Pleased to say it was fixed up straight away - I think it's great and I'm glad to say the rain doesn't dampen its spirit.