Now this one has been fun. I came across it by accident and thought it would be an amusing diversion - so it's now available again. I updated the cover but part of me thinks the original is still brilliant:
Anyway, here's the blurb:
“A husband is what is left of a lover,
after the nerve has been extracted.”
published in 1922, this classic guide to the foibles of men is
inspired, accurate and hilarious! Helen Rowland was an American humorist
and journalist who had an unerring knack of getting to the crux of the
matter – all too often the faults and peccadilloes of the male of the
species – and as she states, the material within “was collected directly
from nature at great personal risk”.
“A Bachelor of Arts is one who makes love to a lot of women,
and yet has the art to remain a bachelor.”
100 years it is clear that men have done little to clean up their act
but, despite this, there is an immutable weight of evidence showing that
the fairer (wiser and more patient!) sex is still inordinately fond of
“A wise woman puts a grain of sugar into everything she says
to a man and takes a grain of salt with everything he says to her.”
This timeless guide to men will inspire, amuse and provide succour alongside compassionate empathy to the 21st Century woman who finds herself at a loss to explain the actions of her male friends and companions. Absolutely brilliant!
I've made it available as an ePub, of course, but the paper version is lovelier. Get both here.